How to:

The Kettlebell Swing

The Kettlebell Swing

  • Place the KBell on the floor and position your feet about shoulder-width apart and an arms length away from the bell.

    Inhale deeply and hold your breath while tightening your core and stabilizing your back muscles. This is called bracing. You will hold your breath until you exhale on your first up-swing but you will maintain core and back stability through the entire set.

    Bend your knees but keep them positioned behind your toes by simultaneously hinging at the hips and pushing your butt backwards. Your chest will naturally angle towards the ground. Keep a strong posture and balance your body weight in the center of your foot while doing this.

  • Tilt your bodyweight slightly onto the balls of your feet while you reach out and grab the bell. Then, with the KBell in your hands, tilt your bodyweight back to the center of your feet where it will remain for the duration of the set.

    As your weight shifts back to center, slightly lift your chest and start to push your hips slightly forward.

    This will lift the bell off the floor and pull it back between your legs under your pelvis.

    Allow your arms to hang, braced but passive like a pendulum then explode upward through your hips. Straighten your legs, push your hips under your rib cage and stand upright while maintaining back stability.

    This motion initiates the KBell Swing.

  • When the bell reaches chin-height, let it fall back down allowing it to perform a quarter-circle.

    Your chest will angle back down towards the floor and your butt will push back again.

    At the bottom of the motion, your forearms should make contact with the inside of your thighs. At this point you will engage your entire posterior chain to cease the backward motion of the bell and explode upward again swinging the bell back up to chin-height.

    The primary muscles activated in the explosion of the swing will be your glutes and hamstrings.

  • Inhale on the down-swing.

    Exhale on the up-swing.

  • Exactly reverse your set-up.

    Let the bell swing about an arms length in front of your toes, slightly lean forward onto the balls of your feet and gently set the bell down, all while maintaining strong posture and a stable back and core.

Aja, 30

…performing KBell Upright Oscillating Hooks with Coach Sam.

Full-body functional strength training is at the center of Coach Sam’s plan for every client.

This style of training may look different for everyone, so Coach Sam will collaborate with you to build the program that you need.

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SVG Founder, Coach Sam